Over the past few decades TV chefs and supermarkets have pointed consumers towards a select range of fish that are made available all year round. Whether we buy our old time favourite cod, a general “safe bet” tuna, salmon or – more and more so – wild sea bass, with rising demand on these few species we subsequently see fish stocks depleted, and more intense fishing methods taking hold around the world.
Only recently cod (pictured above) was strongly regulated, and quotas significantly reduced to support the fish stocks in the Atlantic, with similar measures now taking place for sea bass to protect young and spawning individuals. And while these particular fish continue to be “the nation’s favourites”, we disregard much more sustainable species such as the gurnard, huss, or herring (pictured below).
The Last Fisherman Standing has been recording historic catches in Worthing of mackerel, sprats and herring that used to be part of our staple diet. This project also aims to help educate consumers about the most sustainable fish to eat locally. For more information about what fish to eat, and when, you can also take a look at the Good Fish Guide, published by the Marine Conservation Society: